In our library catalogue, search by a topic (for example: bioethics). Find a relevant book in your results list, and then look for accurate subject headings in the Description section of the Details screen. Once you know the subject headings for your topic, do a subject (su:) search. Use the filters on the left side of the catalogue screen to limit your results to ebooks, print books, publication year, etc. For more help on searching, go to our library website.
Go to EBSCOhost services and select EBSCOhost Web. Then choose your database(s). and create a search similar to the example below. Finally, you may limit your results by using the filters on the left-hand side of the screen. For example, recently published (in the past 5 years), and full text articles in peer reviewed journals. For more help with EBSCOhost databases, go to the library website and look under the Databases tab.
Go to JSTOR and try the following search after selecting Advanced Search. For additional help with JSTOR, look under the Databases tab on the library website.
AND finds results with BOTH terms
OR finds results with EITHER terms
Peter Turkstra Library, Redeemer University , 777 Garner Road East, Ancaster, ON, L9K 1J4, Canada Circulation Desk Telephone: 905.648.2139 ext. 4266, Email: