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ENG 340: History of Language: The brain and language development

A Library Research Guide

How to find books on the topic:

Go to the full description of the above titles in order to find subject headings. Once you know the subject headings for your topic, you can do a subject  search in WorldCat,. Try the following Advanced Search:

  • The truncation symbol (*) finds results with any ending
  • AND finds results with BOTH terms
  • OR finds results with EITHER term

How to find articles by using JSTOR & EBSCOhost:

Go to JSTOR and try the following search after selecting Advanced Search.  For additional help with JSTOR, look under the Databases tab on the library website.

In EBSCOhost, select EBSCOhost Web and try the following after selecting all relevant databases:

Peter Turkstra Library,  Redeemer University , 777 Garner Road East, Ancaster, ON, L9K 1J4, Canada
Circulation Desk Telephone: 905.648.2139 ext. 4266, Email: