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KPE 218: Human Physiology: Welcome

KPE 218 Assignments

KPE 218 Human Physiology: Homework Assignment due next class

This assignment should fit on one page. Print a copy and bring to your next class.

1. Choose one of these sample research topics:

  1. The role of exercise in the treatment of diabetes, diabetic people
  2. Exercise & psychological wellbeing -- the regulation of anxiety, depression, and mental health/illness
  3. Exercise & pregnancy/pregnant women
  4. Exercise & obesity, weight loss
  5. Exercise & aging, aged, the elderly, older people
  6. Exercise & the heart (cardiac, cardiovascular)
  7. Exercise & bone health (fractures, skeletal, musculoskeletal)
  8. Exercise & dementia, Alzheimer's disease
  9. Exercise & stroke, cerebrovascular disease
  10. Exercise & cancer, oncology

2. Find one book (or e-book) and four articles from the databases below.  One of your four articles must be a review article (sometimes called a "systematic review" or "literature review" -- do not use a book review.)

  1. One book or e-book available in the Redeemer library
  2. Two recent (published in past 5 years) full-text scholarly journal articles from SportDiscus or another EBSCO database
  3. One article from PubMed Central
  4. One article from Google Scholar

3. Write a paragraph in which you refer to each of your sources in the above order, using APA in-text citation format. For example:

         In this paragraph I will cite my sources.  First I will cite a book available in the Redeemer library (Daniels, 2008). Then I will cite one of the review articles I found in the EBSCOhost SportDiscus database (Gregov, 2014) and also another review article (Dolbow et al., 2011) found in Medline on EBSCOhost. Next I will cite an article from PubMed Central (Birge & Dalsky, 1989) and an article from Google Scholar (Kannus et al., 1995).

4. Create an alphabetically arranged reference list (bibliography) of your sources in APA style. In your own citations, you should begin each citation at the left margin and then indent subsequent lines of that citation, even though this was not possible to do in the examples below (software would not allow me to format it properly).


Birge, S. J. & Dalsky, G. (1989). The role of exercise in preventing osteoporosis. Public Health Reports 104 (Suppl.)54-58.  

Daniels, D. (2008). Exercises for osteoporosis : A safe and effective way to build bone density and muscle strength (3rd ed.). Long Island City, NY: HealthyLiving Books.

Dolbow, D. R., Gorgey, A. S., Daniels, J. A., Adler, R. A., Moore, J. R., & Gater, D. R., J. (2011). The effects of spinal cord injury and exercise on bone mass: A literature review. Neurorehabilitation, 29(3), 261-269. doi:10.3233/NRE-2011-0702

Gregov, C., & Šalaj, S. (2014). The effects of different training modalities on bone mass: A review. Kinesiology46, 10-29.

Kannus, P., Haapasalo, H., Sankelo, M., Sievanen, H., Pasanen, M., Heinonen, A., . . . Vuori, I. (1995). Effect of starting age of physical activity on bone mass in the dominant arm of tennis and squash players. Annals of Internal Medicine, 123(1), 27-31.

KPE 218: Human Physiology - Article Summaries

Students will be required to submit a summary of primary articles from a chosen area of research. Students will summarize each article (in their own words; ~1-1.5 pp) and provide a short commentary/critique of the article (< 1 pg).

Each report will consist of 2 articles on a similar area of research (note: the articles within each report have to be on a similar topic, but the two reports can be on separate topics).

Students will also be required to submit an electronic copy of their report to to check against plagiarism.

More details will be given in class.

KPE 218: Human Physiology - Presentation

Students will present in groups of ~3 on an approved ‘special’ topic from one of the course units (energy systems; muscle system; neuroendocrine system; cardiovascular system; pulmonary system; skeletal system; immune system).


Presentations will be ~20 min (+ 5 min questions/discussion).

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