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ECON 122 Economics: Macro: EBSCO Database help

1. From the Library Databases page, select EBSCOhost and then select 'EBSCOhost Web'

2. Choose Database(s) relevant to your topic (e.g. SportDiscus):

3. Advanced Search (adapt these search techniques to your own topic)

  • OR finds either term (exercise OR fitness OR activity)
  • AND finds both terms (exercise AND bone density)
  • The truncation symbol (*) finds any ending (e.g. osteo* finds osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, osteopathy)

4. Refine your results and add selected articles to a folder.

Use the limiters on the left to refine your search results, e.g. full-text, recently published (past 5 years) articles in academic (Peer Reviewed) journals.

7. Folder contents: Print, Email, Save, Export

8. Click the title for Full Record Display & Help with Citing the Source

View the full record display in order to get help with citing this article (APA, MLA, Chicago style).


9. Citing Help: Click Cite and then scroll down to the style of your choice

10. Finding the Permalink (Permanent URL):

  1. Click Permalink in the bottom right.
  2. A box with the permanent URL will appear at the top of the record.
  3. Right click on the link in order to copy and paste it.

11. Sign in to MyEBSCO: Create a personalized account

  1. Click Sign In near the top of your screen.
  2. Click "Create a new Account."
  3. Follow the steps to create an account with a password of your own choice.
  4. Once you have an account, you can save your search results into folders for future reference.
  5. You can share your folders with others (e.g. for group work).

12. Creating Folders in MyEBSCO (for future reference or sharing with others)

  1. Inside your own account in MyEBSCO, click the Folder icon and then the New Folder icon.
  2. A window will open which asks you to provide a Folder Name.

13. Add records to a New Folder in MyEBSCO

  1. Once you have created a new Folder, go back to My Folder.
  2. Select the articles you'd like to move.
  3. Click "Move To" and select your folder from the list that appears.

Peter Turkstra Library,  Redeemer University , 777 Garner Road East, Ancaster, ON, L9K 1J4, Canada
Circulation Desk Telephone: 905.648.2139 ext. 4266, Email: