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Bush at War by Bob Woodward
Bush at War reveals in stunning detail how an untested president with a sweeping vision for remaking the world and war cabinet members often at odds with each other responded to the September 11 terrorist attacks and prepared to confront Iraq. Woodward's virtual wiretap into the White House Situation Room is the first history of the war on terrorism.
Call Number: E 903.3 .W66 2003
ISBN: 9780743244619
Publication Date: 2003-07-01
An Alliance at Risk: The United States and Europe Since September 11 by Laurent Cohen-Tanugi
"In the immediate aftermath of the events of September 11, people around the world - and Europeans in particular - came together in unprecedented demonstrations of compassion for and solidarity with the people of the United States. Since then, however, relations between Europe and America have become perilously contentious. The new unilateral and preemptive tone of U.S. foreign policy, wedded to old fears of American hegemony and an irreducible strain of anti-Americanism, have alienated and angered Europeans, even as Europe's refusal to endorse key American policies has drawn charges of ingratitude and irrelevance." "For noted French political observer Laurent Cohen-Tanugi, this growing rift dates back to the end of the Cold War and poses profound dangers for the intertwined futures of America, Europe, and the world. In his new book, An Alliance at Risk, he argues that although the ties that have united Europe and America for decades remain stronger than the propagandists of an international schism would have us believe, deepening transatlantic differences foster an increasing mistrust that prevents constructive dialogue and cooperation." "Cohen-Tanugi begins by placing global anti-Americanism in historical perspective and tracing the evolution and progressive alteration of European-American relations from the postwar period to the Iraqi crisis. Stressing the need for strong transatlantic solidarity in the new global environment, he sets forth the case and prerequisites for a new alliance, calling on the European Union to assume fully its responsibilities on the world stage and on America to address the inadequacies of its foreign policy and become more attentive to the international community, its sensitivities and rules. Envisioning what this renewed partnership might look like in the future, he concludes that in a world plagued by profound disorder and rabid anti-Westernism, the distance between the United States and Europe must be bridged to advance the democratic values they share, confront global challenges, and ensure the stability of the world."--Jacket.
Call Number: D 1065 .U5 C573 2003
ISBN: 9780801878411
Publication Date: 2003-08-18
All for One: Terrorism, NATO and the United States by Tom Lansford
"This detailed examination of the role of the Transatlantic Alliance in support of the America-led military and intelligence operations against the Taliban and the Al Qaida network since the terrorist attacks on the United States provides the first in-depth analysis of NATO's historic first invocation of Article V of the Washington Treaty." "Including a substantial overview of NATO's place in the broad security framework of the Western Atlantic powers and both the shared history and ideals that form its common basis, the book specifically analyzes the political differences among the Alliance partners. The book also looks at efforts to prevent future incidents by expanding the security framework of the Alliance." "An essential reference source for military and foreign policy academics, courses and practitioners, this text offers the reader an unprecedented insight into NATO's response to this most significant event."--Jacket.
Call Number: D 860 .L355 2002
ISBN: 9780754630456
Publication Date: 2002-08-01
From Empire to Community: A New Approach to International Relations by Amitai Etzioni
"Whether one favors the U.S. global projection of force or is horrified by it, the question stands - where do we go from here? What ought to be the new global architecture? Amitai Etzioni follows a third way, drawing on both neoconservative and liberal ideas, in this bold new look at international relations. He argues that a clash of civilizations can be avoided and that the new world order need not look like America. Eastern values, including spirituality and moderate Islam, have a legitimate place in the evolving global public philosophy." "Nation-states, Etzioni argues, can no longer attend to rising transnational problems, from SARS to trade in sex slaves to cybercrime. Global civil society does help, but without some kind of global authority, transnational problems will overwhelm us. The building blocks of this new order can be found in the war against terrorism, multilateral attempts at deproliferation, humanitarian interventions and new supranational institutions (e.g., the governance of the Internet). Basic safety, human rights, and global social issues, such as environmental protection, are best solved cooperatively, and Etzioni explores ways of creating global authorities robust enough to handle these issues as he outlines the journey from "empire to community.""--Jacket.
Call Number: JZ 1480 .E89 2004
ISBN: 9781403965356
Publication Date: 2004-05-14
Terrorism and America by Philip B. Heymann
In this book, Philip Heymann argues that the United States and other democracies can fight terrorism while preserving liberty and maintaining a healthy, unified society. Drawing on his experience in the U.S. Departments of State and Justice, he shows how domestic and foreign intelligence-gathering can thwart terrorism, how the United States must cooperate and share information with its allies, and how terrorism can be prevented in many cases. Terrorism will never disappear completely, but the policies Heymann offers can limit the harm to Americans and protect the integrity of U.S. governmental processes.
ISBN: 9780585003207
Publication Date: 1998-01-01
Unholy Wars by John K. Cooley
To oppose the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979, the US formed an anti-communist alliance with militant Islamic forces in Central Asia. This book provides an account of this alliance and how it backfired with the events of September 11.
ISBN: 9781849641777
Publication Date: 2003
The long shadow of 9/11 : America's response to terrorismThe long shadow of 9/11 : America's response to terrorism by Brian Michael Jenkins, John Godges
This book provides a multifaceted array of answers to the question, In the ten years since the 9/11 terrorist attacks, how has America responded? In a series of essays, RAND authors lend a farsighted perspective to the national dialogue on 9/11's legacy. The essays assess the military, political, fiscal, social, cultural, psychological, and even moral implications of U.S. policymaking since 9/11. Part One of the book addresses the lessons learned from America's accomplishments and mistakes in its responses to the 9/11 attacks and the ongoing terrorist threat. Part Two explores reactions to the extreme ideologies of the terrorists and to the fears they have generated. Part Three presents the dilemmas of asymmetrical warfare and suggests ways to resolve them. Part Four cautions against sacrificing a long-term strategy by imposing short-term solutions, particularly with respect to air passenger security and counterterrorism intelligence. Finally, Part Five looks at the effects of the terrorist attacks on the U.S. public health system, at the potential role of compensation policy for losses incurred by terrorism, and at the possible long-term effects of terrorism and counterterrorism on American values, laws, and society.--Publisher description.
ISBN: 9780833058379
Publication Date: 2011
Intervention Narratives: Afghanistan, the United States, and the Global War on Terror by Purnima Bose
Intervention Narratives examines the contradictory cultural representations of the US intervention in Afghanistan that help to justify an imperial foreign policy. These narratives involve projecting Afghans as brave anti-communist warriors who suffered the consequences of American disengagement with the region following the end of the Cold War, as victimized women who can be empowered through enterprise, as innocent dogs who need to be saved by US soldiers, and as terrorists who deserve punishment for 9/11. Given that much of public political life now involves affect rather than knowledge, feelings rather than facts, familiar recurring tropes of heroism, terrorism, entrepreneurship, and canine love make the war easier to comprehend and elicit sympathy for US military forces. An indictment of US policy, Bose demonstrates that contemporary imperialism operates on an ideologically diverse cultural terrain to enlist support for the war across the political spectrum.
ISBN: 9781978806023
Publication Date: 2020-01-17
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