Redeemer Databases & Open Access Resources
- Choose "Browse by subject"
- Subjects include "Law," "Business," and "Marketing & Advertising."
- Mainly non-Canadian content
- EBSCOHost Web
- Select "Academic Search Ultimate" and "Business Source Elite"
- Mainly non-Canadian content
Canadian law/legal magazines
Other lists of possible law/legal resources
- Federation of Ontario Law Associations - Practice Resources
- A list of resources to help a law/legal practice
- Tip: On this website, click on "Resources" in the toolbar and choose other lists of available resources.
- - Services for Lawyers and Paralegals
- This is a great, Canada-wide list of organizations, services, and resources for lawyers and those in the legal industry!
- - 'A growing resource for lawyers'
- " is a collaboratively built website with legal research resources maintained by the site administrators, and legal literature contributed by lawyers in the Canadian legal community."
- CanLII (Canadian Legal Information website)
- "CanLII was founded and is paid for by the lawyers and notaries who are members of Canada’s provincial and territorial law societies, which comprise the Federation of Law Societies of Canada."