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HUM 120: Western Culture & Tradition II: John Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion

Library Research Guide


Refine your Search. Check the Descriptions for subject keywords:

If you look at the Description of one of the books, you'll notice the following under Subjects:

In order to find more books like this, try the following search in WorldCat, using the Advanced Search.

The following search will look for Calvin (as a Subject rather than an author) in combination with either Institutes, or Institutio (as a subject). This will retrieve books that are ABOUT Calvin's Institutes, rather than the actual text itself.

OR try the following search.  Either of these searches will get more relevant results than the original search.



Search the Library Catalogue (WorldCat) and filter your results:

Try the following Advanced Search in WorldCat:

John (Jean) Calvin, 1509-1564


How to find articles by using EBSCOhost Databases:

Go to the library Databases page and select EBSCO and then EBSCOhost Web.  Then choose your database(s). Try the following search and refine your results.  For example, you could limit your results to full text articles in peer reviewed journals. 

How to find articles by using JSTOR:

Go to the library Databases page and select JSTOR. Then try the following search after selecting Advanced Search.

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