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About Canada Commons

Canada Commons includes an extensive collection of Canadian materials, including:

  • 25,000 eBooks from scholarly and independent publishers
  • 180,000 public policy papers from think tanks and government sources
  • Over 200,000 titles available
  • A 4,000 entry directory of Canadian research and government organizations


Accessing Canada Commons

Canada Commons provides more than one way to access their database. In addition to the the EZProxy/IP authentication method we use for all of our library databases, Redeemer staff, faculty and students  can create a free individual Canada Commons account that is linked to our institutional subscription through their Redeemer email address. This provides another way to login to Canada Commons when off campus.


Using Canada Commons

For an excellent introduction to and overview of Canada Commons, please see this video produced by Canada Commons.



Select 'EBSCO services' and then 'EBSCOhost Web'

Go to  EBSCOhost Web and then select one or more databases:

  • Academic Search Ultimate
  • APA PsycINFO
  • ATLA Religion Database
  • Business Source Elite
  • eBooks (Academic Collection)
  • Humanities International Complete
  • MEDLINE with Full Text
  • SocINDEX with Full Text
  • SPORTDiscus with Full Text

Choose Database(s) relevant to your topic and Continue:

Advanced Search (adapt these search techniques to your own topic)

My topic is adolescent spirituality (for a psychology course) so I have chosen the PsycINFO and PsycARTICLES databases.  I  have grouped related terms in each search box, using the OR connector.

  • The truncation symbol (*) finds results with any ending (e.g. religio* FINDS religion, religious, religiosity)
  • AND finds results with BOTH terms (e.g. spirituality AND adolescent)
  • OR finds results with EITHER term (e.g. adolescents OR teenagers OR youth)
  • My search terms will be in the Subject Terms field so the articles will be ABOUT this


Refine your Results

Use the limiters to refine your search results:


Read the Abstracts & Add Records to your Folder

For more information about an article, select the title. In the full record display you will find the abstract (summary of the article).   Click the folder icon in order to add it to your folder. Once you've selected your records, you can save, print, or export an entire folder.

View your folder contents and select the articles and output options.

Select the title for Full Record Display & Help with Citing the Source

View the full record display in order to get help with citing this article (APA, MLA, Chicago style).

Citing Help: Select Cite and then scroll down to the style of your choice

On the Tools menu, select Permalink (Permanent URL):

  1. Select Permalink in the bottom right.
  2. A box with the permanent URL will appear at the top of the record.
  3. Copy and paste it.

Sign in to MyEBSCO: Create a personalized account

  1. Click Sign In near the top of your screen (or the hamburger menu on a mobile device).
  2. Click "Create a new Account."
  3. Follow the steps to create an account with a password of your own choice.
  4. Once you have an account, you can save your search results into folders for future reference.
  5. You can share your folders with others (e.g. for group work).

Creating Folders in MyEBSCO (for future reference or sharing with others)

  1. Inside your own account in MyEBSCO, click the New Folder icon.
  2. A window will open which asks you to provide a Folder Name, e.g. "Adolescent Spirituality"
  3. Once you have created a new Folder, go back to My Folder.
  4. Select the articles you'd like to move.
  5. Click "Move To" and select your folder from the list that appears.

Exporting references to a Citation Manager

Open the Tools and select Export. Then select the citation manager of your choice, e.g. Zotero or RefWorks.

Select a Citation Manager

Check the thesaurus for ERIC descriptors (subject headings) on the topic, "Introverts & Extraverts":

Go to the Databases page and select ERIC. Check the thesaurus for ERIC descriptors (subject headings):

Then try the following search:

How to link Google Scholar with Redeemer Library:

1. Select Settings under the Collapse Menu Button.


2. Select Library links and type Redeemer University College into the search bar. Check the box beside Redeemer University College Library - Find it at Redeemer. Select save.

How to find articles on Google Scholar:

Try the following search. Notice the number of times an article was Cited by other authors.

Select the JSTOR database ("Journal Storage") and go to the Advanced Search. You can filter (narrow) your results by item type (e.g. Articles), Date of publication, and Language. You can also narrow by subject discipline of the journals, e.g. Language & Literature. 

How to find PubMed articles on the topic, "Introverts & Extraverts" using the Advanced Search:

Search Tip: If you need help finding the best MeSH subject headings for your search, try the US National Library of Medicine Medical Subject Headings database

Select all relevant filters, e.g. Article type, Text Availability, Publication Dates, Species:


Redeemer Databases

Open Access

Peter Turkstra Library,  Redeemer University , 777 Garner Road East, Ancaster, ON, L9K 1J4, Canada
Circulation Desk Telephone: 905.648.2139 ext. 4266, Email: