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BUS 461: Entrepreneurship: NAICS codes

Industry Classification: NAICS codes (North American Industry Classification System)

Identify the industry that your startup company would operate in. Use a standard industry classification code such as NAICS.

NAICS: North American Industry Classification System

It was developed jointly by Canada, the US, and Mexico and divides the economy into:

    • 20 sectors (2-digit codes)
    • 102 subsectors (3-digit codes)
    • 323 industry groups (4-digit codes)
    • 711 industries (5-digit codes)
    • 922 Canadian industries (6-digit codes).

NAICS codes are comparable across Canada, the US, and Mexico at the 5 digit code level. Note: unique national industries will have a 6 digit code.

Identify Competitors by NAICS code

You can identify competitors using a variety of business or company directories, databases, and web sites. You can often identify competitors within the same industry by searching by NAICS code or by keywords in the NAICS description.

EBSCOhost Business Source Elite database and NAICS: Browse the index of the "NAICS Code or Description" field.

EBSCO has aligned periodical and journal content to the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS).
Whenever possible, periodical and journal content has been assigned to one or more 6-digit NAICS codes. At this time EBSCOhost supports searching only by 6-digit NAICS codes. This code is visible in the citation alongside the field descriptor NAICS/Description. The NAICS code is followed by a brief descriptor.

To browse the NAICS descriptions, Click More and then select Indexes.  Then select "NAICS Code or Description" from the drop-down menu under "Browse an Index."  Click the Browse button.

Sample search in the Business Source Elite database:

Full Record Display shows the NAICS/Industry Codes:

You can Refine your Results by NAICS/Industry (click Show More at the bottom left)

Peter Turkstra Library,  Redeemer University , 777 Garner Road East, Ancaster, ON, L9K 1J4, Canada
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